This is the personal blog of London photographer, backpacker, traveller Mark Coughlan. The intention of the blog is communicate updates from my personal website and on my photography projects and travels both in the UK and worldwide. When backpacking the obscure places on earth, this blog will be continually updated with images and thoughts from the road. [Read more about me]

Friday, 28 December 2007

Petrol cannister and Gaffer tape...

Armed with every day holiday essentials, we head to Heathrow tomorrow with rolls of gaffer tape, bungee cables, tow rope and a petrol cannister - causing all sorts of security alarms no doubt.

Our first day in Cochin will be getting acquainted with our three wheeled purchase and hopefully be pleasantly surprised by the "pimping" that has taken place thanks to the marvel that is email. However, India being India it probably looks nothing like the design, or as is more likely the case from experience of India, is that no-one has done anything.

It is here on my blog that there will be daily (I hope) updates on our movements - both in the Rickshaw and bodily - so you fine folk in Blighty can sit back in envy or laugh at us as we cruise the Indian Sub-Continent or breakdown/get lost/pull a temper tantrum just getting out of Cochin!

Use the subscribe button opposite to add your email address so an 'alert' email will be pinged to you when I've added to the blog over the next 2-3 weeks.

Posted 28th December 2007

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