This is the personal blog of London photographer, backpacker, traveller Mark Coughlan. The intention of the blog is communicate updates from my personal website and on my photography projects and travels both in the UK and worldwide. When backpacking the obscure places on earth, this blog will be continually updated with images and thoughts from the road. [Read more about me]

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Home for the Elderly - New Charity.

Some of you may be aware that I am in the process of starting a charity to promote and enhance the final years of life of the old people at Pashupati Briddhshram in Kathmandu, Nepal.
The aim of "Home for the Elderly" is to raises money to directly purchase essential supplies and equipment for the 'Old Home'. Every penny will be spent locally in Nepal on much needed items that will offer dignity and comfort in the final years of life for the Elderly people.
Learn more about what the charity is aiming to achieve on our new official website.

I spent three days in Kathmandu in January where I photographed the plight of the Elderly at this home and the inhumane conditions which they live in - which has inspired me to start this charity. Photos from the 'Old Home' can be viewed here.

What I desperately need is help people that would like to get involved in this project. It is still very early days so I'd really to hear from anyone who has perhaps visited the home when on holiday in Kathmandu, anyone who has the skills in setting up a charity and/or anyone who cares for the elderly people and would like to make a difference through this charity work.

Please take your time to view the new website and get in touch if you would like to help in anyway.

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